Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Digger UVing

So I've started UV mapping my digger to save me work later since I have some spare time until I can have the model marked and checked. I did this through a new method which I haven't used before which is planar mapping using the best plane option and then changing the projection height and width to 400. The important part of the method is the last bit, changing the projection height and width to the same number for everything makes all the UV's be in the same scale so no issues trying to size everything up later! As you can see below I haven't tried organizing it all onto the UV space as I wish to unwrap it all first and then at the end I will make certain parts smaller if they can't be seen easily etc. You can also see where I have unwrapped so far on the digger picture, I have done a lot of the main body already, I plan to try and finish off the rest of the arm tonight except the wires which I still need checked by my lecturer. 

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